Adult Martial Arts

Now offering BJJ for Adults and Teens ages 15 & up Click Here 

Our Adult Tae Kwon Do program is structured to teach the beginners the foundation of Tae Kwon Do and self defense techniques while getting fit and losing weight.  As the students progresses, they will learn advanced Tae Kwon Do and Hap Ki Do Self Defense techniques.  The practice of Tae Kwon Do develops strong, long, lean muscles enabling the student to act and react quickly if needed.  It will also develop and enhance in the areas of stamina,  strength, flexibility,  agility.  While the student practices the art of TKD, he/she is also developing a strong sense of confidence, high self esteem and a winning attitude.

Why Choose Tae kwon Do?

Developing and maintaining a sound body and mind are keys to enjoying life. With Taekwondo, you learn to unite the power of your body with the power of your mind thereby increasing your energy, your self-discipline and confidence, improving your health, reducing your stress, and maintaining your general fitness for a longer, happier life. Each martial arts student possesses different physical abilities. Size and strength vary from one person to another. Whatever your current fitness level, by developing a strong foundation in the basics of Taekwondo, you will improve your physical abilities, your mental discipline, and maximize your self-defense skills.

The Benefits of Tae kwon do

  • Improved Reflexes and Coordination
  • Increased Strength, Stamina, and Flexibility
  • Improved Cardiovascular Endurance and Weight Control
  • Improved Concentration
  • Stress Reduction and Increased Levels of Relaxation
  • Increased Self Confidence and Self Discipline
  • Code of Responsibility

Reverence for life is as important as offense and defense within Taekwondo. Our basic Charter charges all members to protect jeans life, even that of the enemy, and develop a reverence for nature, beauty, speed and rightness of action.


"I feel younger, feel more confident, lost a lot of weight and feel great!"

At age 40+, I decided to take karate to lose weight and get some exercise. Going to the gym was just too boring for me but I didn’t know if I was just too old, too uncoordinated and maybe I just would not have the stamina needed to keep up with everyone in a karate class.

Well… 3 years later, I feel younger, feel more confident, lost a lot of weight and feel great! Master Habib Is truly an inspiration and a great role model!!!

Truly a wonderful and enjoyable school. Always looking forward to attending class to learn more great martial arts skills!

- Dennis D.

"Master Habib and the other instructors are phenomenal."

“My daughter has been a student of Wesley Chapel Martial Arts Academy for over a year now. Master Habib and the other instructors are phenomenal with working with the students in turning them into exceptional and respectful individuals.”

- N. Webb

"Master Habib is an amazing Martial Artists and leads by example."

“After trying a couple of other “Karate Academies”, I enrolled my son in this school because it’s by far the best one. The staff is friendly, the instructors are very knowledgeable. Master Habib is an amazing Martial Artists and leads by example. His son Haider is a former Florida State Tae Kwon Do Champion, his other 3 kids are also involved and are very good martial arts as well. Master Habib is a family man with high level of integrity and respect. You will not go wrong with this school.”

- Logan C.

"I have seen a big difference in his behavior and focus. I would not take him anywhere else ."

“My son has been doing Tae Kwon Do at Wesley Chapel Martial Arts for 3 years and he still loves it. Master Habib has turned him into a great athlete. I have seen a big difference in his behavior and focus. I would not take him anywhere else.”

- Tammy

"We want the best for our child and we have found it. We are thankful for that."

“Our child has been going to this school 5 years. He has loved it from day one and we could not ask for a better instructor than Master Habib. We recommend this school to any family with the highest regards. Our child has learned so much and has had such a great experience over the years that we could not see being with any other institution. We want the best for our child and we have found it. We are thankful for that.”

- Bill